Brexit Processing Capital Support Scheme
Apply for grant funding targeted at projects which are deemed as transformational capital investment in the seafood processing sector.
Apply for grant funding targeted at projects which are deemed as transformational capital investment in the seafood processing sector.
The scheme will support the Irish processing sector to engage in transformational change, mitigating the effects of the TCA/Brexit while also building more environmentally friendly, sustainable and competitive enterprises which serve the EU and wider global markets, create higher levels of employment more locally, and make better and more sustainable use of Irish landed or imported raw material. It is aimed at supporting industry led transformative capital investments that enable the sector to focus on “creating more from less” in the wake of reduced supply of raw material and move enterprises in the sector further up the supply chain to produce higher value product and shift the industry to a focus on secondary processing and beyond to products targeting end-user markets.
This Scheme is available to applicants who are BOTH an onshore processing SME and have an SFPA approval number with activity code FFPP (Fresh Fishing Products Plant) or PP (Processing Plant).
The responsibility is on the applicant to ensure that they correctly categorise themselves when applying for funding. If they are unsure, applicants are strongly advised to seek professional advice to determine whether they qualify as an SME. Applicants who apply to this programme as an SME and are subsequently determined not to be an SME will be required to refund the grant to BIM.
Please see the SME Definition below: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are defined as enterprises which:
[1] Limited to refrigerated cold air systems aimed at achieving targeted cooling of product in-process; chilling and super-chilling, refrigerated air, glycol, freshwater and seawater systems used in-process; and, automated freezing systems used in a controlled and measurable way, and suitable for whole, headed and gutted, and individual quick freezing.
The following payments apply to applicants approved under the Scheme.
Investment Types | Support Rate |
Tier 1 Transformational Processing Equipment | 50% |
Tier 2 Transformational Processing Equipment and Energy Efficient Investments | 40% |
Primary Processing Efficiency and Facilities Investments | 30% |
Video Tutorials
Apply online on Grant Electronics Management System
For technical queries in relation to BIM’s Grants Electronic Management System (GEMS) please contact the grants helpdesk using this form
You will be required to upload scanned copies of the following documents, in PDF format:
Any item over €5000 will require 3 quotes and under €5000 will only require 1 quote. Any addition to quotes including new suppliers/specification of equipment will trigger a new round of technical review. Where Bord Iascaigh Mhara is not informed of these changes, applicants are proceeding at their own risk. Bord Iascaigh Mhara may not pay out grants on these items.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all required documentation is provided.
Delays caused by failure to do so may result in: