Fish Health and Welfare in Finfish Farming

We offer fish welfare workshops designed to equip the learner with the knowledge and competence in fish welfare practice and handling techniques to meet and exceed regulatory and 3rd party standards requirements.

Upcoming Fish Health & Welfare Workshops in 2024 Upcoming Fish Health & Welfare Workshops in 2024

BIM is running a series of Fish Health and Welfare Workshops for the marine and freshwater finfish aquaculture industry.

Course Tutors

The workshops will be delivered by Aquatic Veterinary Surgeons.

Details for upcoming workshops in October Details for upcoming workshops in October

Registration is now open for October.

Fish Health & Welfare Workshop – Saltwater (Wed 2nd October 2024)

Participants will be given an overview of fish welfare and husbandry and the importance of good fish welfare practices relevant to their duties and will include an overview of fish welfare at harvest, with a focus on product quality implications. Relevant anatomy, physiology will be included.

       Who For


Location – BIM National Fisheries College of Ireland – Castletownbere, Co. Cork

Duration – Full day (9:30- 16:30)                              Format –  In person

Full list dates and venues Full list dates and venues

Workshop Type Dates Venue
Fish Health and Welfare Workshop – Freshwater  Tues 28th  May 2024 

(09:30 – 16:30)

ATU – Galway Campus
Treatments and Vaccination – Freshwater  Wed 29th May 2024 

(09:30 – 13:30)

ATU – Galway Campus
Infectious Diseases – Main diseases, current trends, and challenges  Tues 11th June 2024 

(12:00 – 16:00)

ATU – Galway Campus
Plankton Sampling Practical Workshop  Wed 12th June 2024 

(09:30 – 13:30)

ATU – Galway Campus
Cleaner Fish Health and Welfare Workshop  Tues 18th June 2024 

(09:30 – 16:30)

ATU – Galway Campus
Fish Health and Welfare Workshop Saltwater including module on Harvesting Wed 19th June 2024 

(09:30 – 16:30)

ATU – Galway Campus
Fish Health and Welfare Workshop – Saltwater  Wed 2nd Oct 2024 

(09:30 – 16:30)

BIM, Castletownbere

Fish Health and Welfare Tool kit Fish Health and Welfare Tool kit


Fish Welfare Workshops are funded under the Ireland’s Operational Programme under EMFF and is co-funded by the Irish Government and the EU.

For More Information

Aquaculture Finfish Quality & Food Safety Specialist

Vera Flynn