Well done to all the participants at the Fish Filleting Workshop 09 and 10 July

Group photo of participants on the Introduction to Fish Handling and Filleting workshopWell done to all the participants at the Fish Filleting Workshop in our Seafood Development Centre on the 9th and 10th July.
Pictured from left to right at the ‘Introduction to Fish Handling and Filleting’ workshop in July are: Back row: Geraldine Lane, BIM, David McSweeney, Eamon Verhoven, Gerard O’Sullivan, Hal Dawson, Trainer. Front row: Brenda Kelly, Aileen Deasy, Aisling Grace

Group photo of participants on the Introduction to Fish Handling and Filleting workshopWell done to all the participants at the Fish Filleting Workshop in our Seafood Development Centre on the 9th and 10th July.

The practical ‘Introduction to Fish Handling and Filleting’ workshop was one of a series organised from April – July as part of BIM’s new ‘Serious about Seafood’ programme. The workshops aimed at Seafood Processors and Retailers and led by expert trainer, Hal Dawson were a resounding success and further workshops will be held in the near future.

Learn about our courses for the seafood service sector

Pictured from left to right at the ‘Introduction to Fish Handling and Filleting’ workshop in July are: Back row: Geraldine Lane, BIM, David McSweeney, Eamon Verhoven, Gerard O’Sullivan, Hal Dawson, Trainer. Front row: Brenda Kelly, Aileen Deasy, Aisling Grace