View the Presentations from BIM’s Seafood Companies Networking Seminar

View the presentations from BIM’s ‘Taking Seafood to the Next Level’ an intensive networking seminar held on 25th January, 2012, where key seafood companies in Ireland met to discuss how to achieve scale in the Irish seafood sector.

Picture taken at BIM’s ‘Taking Seafood to the Next Level’ Industry Seminar

View the presentations from BIM’s ‘Taking Seafood to the Next Level’ an intensive networking seminar held on 25th January, 2012, where key seafood companies in Ireland met to discuss how to achieve scale in the Irish seafood sector.

Pictured at BIM’s ‘Taking Seafood to the Next Level’ Industry Seminar at the Radisson Hotel, Dublin Airport are Aodh O’Donnell, Managing Director of Errigal Seafoods, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Mr. Simon Coveney, T.D. and Birgitta Heidin-Curtin, Managing Director, Burren Smokehouse.

Learn about the assistance we provide to seafood companies through a variety of commercial services.