The North East Fisheries Local Action Group, supported by BIM, seeks tenders from suitably qualified persons or companies to develop an integrated local development strategy for defined areas of the Louth, Meath and Dublin coastal region for the years 2013 to 2015 in line with the objectives of Axis 4 of the European Fisheries Fund.
Download the North East Fisheries Local Action Group Invitation to Tender (pdf 755Kb)
Closing date: 12 April 2013 (5pm)
Tenders may be submitted by:
- e-mail to
- post to Axis 4 Co-ordinator, C/o Bord Iascaigh Mhara, PO Box 12, Crofton Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, or
- hand to reception in Bord Iascaigh Mhara, Crofton Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
The development of this strategy will require:
- The collection of relevant social and economic information from the coastal communities
- The identification of infrastructural strengths, and weakness of the area
- The identification of the development opportunities of the area
Supporting Documents:
Start up guide for Fisheries Local Action Groups (pdf 2,110Kb)
Guidance Notes for the EFF Axis 4 – Local Fisheries Development Strategy (pdf 942Kb)
Chapter iv of COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 1198 2006 the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) (pdf 190Kb)
Tender enquires should be emailed to