Tara McCarthy Appointed Chief Executive of Bord Iascaigh Mhara

Tara McCarthy

Tara McCarthy

Bord Iascaigh Mhara, Ireland’s Seafood Development Agency, is delighted to announce the appointment of Tara McCarthy as Chief Executive Officer.

Tara McCarthy appointed as new CEO of BIM

Ms. McCarthy is currently Director of the Food and Beverages Division in Bord Bia and has led a team of Senior Executives on the development of the seafood, dairy, prepared foods; alcohol and small business sectors. A Bachelor of Commerce graduate with an MBS in Marketing from Smurfit Business School; Tara operated in overseas markets for over 10 years in Germany, France and Belgium. An affiliate of Harvard Business School and IMD Business School, Switzerland; Tara has been a regular contributor to the Government’s Food Harvest 2020 and 2025 reports and succeeded in delivering a number of instrumental initiatives for Bord Bia and the Irish Food Industry under the ‘Pathways for Growth’ programme.

Throughout her career, Ms. McCarthy has been an independent, determined, and decisive leader who has exceled at creating focused solutions for the Irish Food Industry.

BIM’s Chairman, Kieran Calnan said; ‘I am delighted that Tara McCarthy is taking up the position of Chief Executive of BIM. I am confident that Tara will do an outstanding job for BIM and the wider seafood industry. Tara has already demonstrated she has the necessary energy, determination and leadership qualities to drive the development of an industry that is on the cusp of change and has the potential for significant growth. On behalf of the Board and staff of BIM, we are looking forward to working with Tara to achieve the ambitious targets set out in BIM’s strategy ‘Capturing Ireland’s Share of the Global Seafood Opportunity’ including €1 billion in seafood sales and 1,200 jobs by 2017’

Ms. McCarthy will take up the position in September and her appointment is for a five year term.