Deep Sea Fish Farming in Ireland

To meet the increasing market demand for Irish organic farmed salmon BIM aims to facilitate the development of three deep sea salmon farms. The first farm will be located off the west coast of Ireland. 

Image: The deep sea farms will be located further out to sea than existing salmon farms in an area with very high water exchange rate (artists impression).

sea level artists impression-180x120

There is huge market demand for Irish organic salmon and we are currently turning customers away!

To meet the increasing market demand for Irish organic farmed salmon BIM aims to facilitate the development of three deep sea salmon farms. The first farm will be located off the west coast of Ireland and it is expected that each farm will be capable of producing 15,000 tonnes of Irish organic farmed salmon annually. 

Read about this project 

Cliceáil anseo le léamh faoin Tionscadal Feirmeoireachta Éisc ar an Domhain

Image: The deep sea farms will be located further out to sea than existing salmon farms in an area with very high water exchange rate (artists impression).