Chinese Vice Agriculture Minister enjoys the best of Irish seafood.

China_visit_june2011_w180As part of a three-day visit to Ireland, at the invitation of the Minister for Agriculture Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney T.D. the Vice Agriculture Minister for China, NIU Dun, was welcomed to BIM’s offices in Clonakilty by CEO, Jason Whooley.

China_Visit_2011_w200As part of a three-day visit to Ireland, at the invitation of the Minister for Agriculture Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney T.D. the Vice Agriculture Minister for China, NIU Dun, was welcomed to BIM’s offices in Clonakilty by CEO, Jason Whooley. BIM hosted a lunch in the Seafood Development Centre, with the guest of honour enjoying a taste of the finest Irish seafood. China currently imports €3.6 billion of seafood per annum, a figure which has increased by 18% per annum consistently since 1998.

BIM’s CEO, Jason Whooley and Vice Agriculture Minister for China, NIU Dun.