BIM deliver a masterclass in seafood cookery to seafood retailers

Seafood Cookery Dem SDC April 2015

Seafood Cookery Dem SDC April 2015

Bord Iascaigh Mhara, hosted a Seafood Cookery workshop on Tuesday, 14 April aimed at Seafood Retailers in the agency’s Head Office in Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.

Derrick Rose, BIM’s Graduate Chef with Renee Tallon of East Coast Seafood, Naas, Co Kildare, Renee’s husband, James Kirwan won the BIM Young Fishmonger 2014 competition.

Following on from another successful workshop in BIM’s Seafood Development Centre in Cork in February, this course was again led by BIM’s graduate Chef, Derrick Rose. The attending companies were treated to an extensive cookery demonstration with step by step instructions on how to prepare a range of seafood dishes from chowder to crispy cod wraps to healthy teriyaki salmon parcels. The aim of the workshop was to provide retailers with the knowledge to prepare ‘ready to eat’ seafood meals in their own premises to boost sales and attract new customers or simply to gain more knowledge in terms of seafood cookery to advise their customers. The best part of the day was tasting all the delicious dishes at the end of the workshop! Irish consumers are leading increasingly busy lifestyles and are looking for ready to eat seafood dishes from their local fishmonger or seafood counter. More and more seafood retailers are meeting this demand and providing a one stop shop with wet fish counters, marinades, crumbs and ‘ready to eat’ options for on the go lunches or family meals.

Irish consumers are leading increasingly busy lifestyles and are looking for ready to eat seafood dishes from their local fishmonger or seafood counter. More and more seafood retailers are meeting this demand and providing a one stop shop with wet fish counters, marinades, crumbs and ‘ready to eat’ options for on the go lunches or family meals.

Try the seafood recipes demonstrated by BIM’s chef Derrick Rose in our menu card (pdf 529Kb)