Attend the 1st annual Our Ocean Wealth Conference on 18 June 2014 in Dublin Castle

The 1st Annual Our Ocean Wealth Conference will focus on the promotion of growth and jobs, providing a forum for the State, in association with the marine community, to review progress in implementing Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth: An Integrated Marine Plan for Ireland.

Announcing the Conference, Minister Coveney commented that “the implementation of Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth is a whole of Government initiative. Our vision is that our nation’s ocean wealth will be a key element of our economic recovery and sustainable growth and we will continue to work with the sector’s stakeholders to achieve this vision for our citizens”. Visit to read the full press release

The conference will discuss:

Date: 18 Juin 2014

Venue: The Printworks, Dublin Castle, Dublin 2

Register for the conference and get more information by visiting the Ocean Wealth website

Download the Our Ocean Wealth Conference Programme 2014 (pdf 498Kb)