Apply to participate in our 2012 sea fisheries trials

Express an interest in participating in BIM trials in 2012 aimed at minimising discards and improving the selectivity of fishing gear.

In conjunction with industry we plan to carry out the following seagoing activities:

Trial Gear Area Size No. Days Time of Year
Seltra Sorting Box Irish Sea or Celtic Sea Nephrops -Trawler >18m aprox. 10 days      March/April
Seltra Sorting Box Irish Sea Skates and Rays- Trawler >18m  5 days July/August
Eliminator Trawl Irish Sea – Seiner >18m  5 days March/April

SMP/Codend (Selectivity) Trials 

Celtic Sea – Trawler >18m 10-15 days    June/July
Swedish Grid (Small Vessel Trials) Irish Sea Nephrops – Trawler


10 days May/June
Depredation in Gillnets West and South Coasts All aprox. 10 days


Tuna Tagging South West Coast


10-20 days July/August

Who’s eligible?

single call for applications in these activities during 2012 is being made from:

1.  Fishing vessel owners
You will be required to provide information on:

Vessels will be selected based on their suitability to carry out work in relation to specific projects as these projects arise.

2.   Fishing gear/Chandlery suppliers

How to apply

  1. Download the relevant form:
    2012 fishing vessel owner’s application form (doc 123Kb)  or the
    2012 fishing gear and chandlery supplier’s form (doc 164Kb) 
  2. Return the completed application to: Fleet Development Section, BIM, Crofton Road, Dun Laoghaire by 5p.m. Friday 03 March 2012.

For further information contact your local BIM officer,  telephone Caroline Curraoine on 01 2144148 (Fax 01 230 0564) or email