Apply to partake in BIM’s Fisheries trials commencing June 2014

Apply to partake in BIM’s trials commencing June 2014 aimed at reducing discards, assessing selectivity of different gears and exploring options in relation to our obligations under the newly reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CAP).

Apply to partake in BIM’s trials commencing June 2014 aimed at reducing discards, assessing selectivity of different gears and exploring options in relation to our obligations under the newly reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

Trials will include but are not limited to:

BIM will appoint a panel(s) of suitably qualified vessels to assist in this work on full charter basis:


How to apply

NOTE:  A key element of the CFP is the progressive elimination of discards in all EU fisheries through the introduction of a landings obligations. BIM’s gear technology programme plays a major role in meeting these requirements.