Application information on the BIM Deep Sea Salmon Farm Aquaculture and Foreshore Licence Applications (T9/489A & B)

Having received permission from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, BIM has begun the process of Public Consultation as the next step in the process of applying for a licence for a Deep Sea salmon farm in Galway Bay.

Having received permission from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, BIM has begun the process of Public Consultation as the next step in the process of applying for a licence for a Deep Sea salmon farm in Galway Bay.

Léigh an téacs seo i nGaeilge

Launch Date: 15 October 2012

Consultation Period: 8 weeks

Status: Open

Responses to:
T9/489A & B
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (Aquaculture and Foreshore Management Division),
National Seafood Centre,
Co. Cork

or by email to

The following documentation is being made available as directed by the Department of Agriculture Food and Marine to further assist in the public’s assessment of the Environmental Impact Statement:

Including the following comments submitted by State bodies (Statutory Consultees) during the statutory consultation period and BIM’s responses to those comments:

Statutory Consultee and BIM’s Response

Read about our work to date on the project…