Certified Quality Aquaculture (CQA) Programme

Our Certified Quality Aquaculture (CQA) Programme supports the production of high-class farmed Irish seafood and provides a means of differentiating aquaculture products in the marketplace through eco and quality labelling.


CQA News and Updates

Upcoming CQA TAC meetings

Upcoming TAC Meeting to be confirmed

Meetings are open to all persons on application to cqa@bim.ie

About the CQA Programme

Our CQA Programme was developed by a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) with representatives from all parts of the supply chain, from feed to fork. It is a business-to-customer assurance, which is managed in alignment with ISO 17065, and uses aquaculture facilities as its unit of certification.

Certified Quality Aquaculture (CQA) Standards Certified Quality Aquaculture (CQA) Standards

The CQA Standards are a product certification for finfish and mussels. It comprises two integral elements:

How it works

The CQA Standards are separated into modules that cover different areas of activity on a farmed fish production site or processing plant.

CQA Farming Standard CQA Processing Standard
General requirements General requirements

  • Eco production

  • Eco production

General requirements

This section deals with these general management practices that you must have in place to achieve certification:

It covers the specific product criteria in place for fishfish and mussels. This scope is available for salmon, freshwater fish and mussels.

Eco production requirements

This section aims to help you show your commitment to environmentally sustainable development during the production process. It deals with the additional eco requirements that you must have in place (together with the general requirements) achieve eco certification. This scope is available for salmon, freshwater fish and mussels.

Who can Apply

The CQA  Standards are open to anyone within the region of Ireland, regardless of size, scale, management or minimum number of operators.

CQA Standards feedback

Send your CQA Standards comments and questions to: cqa@bim.ie

Applying for Certified Quality Aquaculture (CQA) Certification Applying for Certified Quality Aquaculture (CQA) Certification

Our CQA team will guide you through the process of achieving certification.

How to Apply How to Apply


Get in touch to identify your needs

Contact us at cqa@bim.ie for more information.


Know your CQA Standards

Download a copy of the relevant CQA Standards and familiarise yourself with the requirements:?


Get ready

Prepare your document management and record-keeping system.



Apply to the assigned Certification Body lrqa.com  and arrange a date for your audit.

Further information

Read the full requirements in your CQA Standard document.

Certified Quality Aquaculture: certified companies Certified Quality Aquaculture: certified companies

Browse this list for details of all CQA-certified farms, hatcheries, broodstock facilities and processing plants.

Performance Indicators related to CQA Scheme Objectives are recognised via ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’. The companies that have been certified as having passed all criteria, are listed below:


CQA-Certified Facilities

Company Name Registered Site Cert # Species Production Type CQA Scope CERT Expiry Date
Kush Seafarms Ltd Ardgroom CQA1005 MUSSEL HARVESTER CQA 29.11.23
Bantry Harbour Mussels Bantry CQA1011 MUSSEL HARVESTER CQA 27.10.23
Santa Cruise Carrigahorig CQA1035 SALMON FRESH WATER CQA 03.12.23
Ocean Run Ltd Colin Whooley CQA1007 MUSSEL HARVESTER CQA 03.11.23
Iasc Sliogach Uisce Leathan Teo Mulroy Bay CQA1019 MUSSEL HARVESTER CQA 18.01.24
Dunmanus Bay Mussels Dunmanus Bay CQA1015 MUSSEL HARVESTER CQA 28.10.23
Mannin Seafoods Ltd Roaringwater Bay CQA1010 MUSSEL HARVESTER CQA 31.12.23
Saltspray Mussel Technology Ltd Bantry Bay CQA1049 MUSSEL HARVESTER CQA 03.11.23
Derrylea Holdings Ltd. Lough Fee CQA1004 SALMON FRESH WATER CQA 08.12.23
Derrylea Holdings Ltd. Screebe CQA1033 SALMON FRESH WATER CQA 09.12.23
Derrylea Holdings Ltd. Poulmounty CQA1016 SALMON FRESH WATER CQA 17.11.23
Connemara Seafoods Frozen Ltd Westport CQA1001 MUSSEL PROCESSING CQA ECO 06.05.24
Marine Institute Newport CQA1050 SALMON FRESH WATER CQA 22.12.23
Bantry Bay Premium Seafoods Gearhies CQA1053 MUSSEL PROCESSING CQA 30.12.23
Atlantic Seafarms Ltd Roaringwater Bay CQA1054 Mussel HARVESTING CQA 28.08.23

Certified Quality Aquaculture Programme Integrity

The BIM Certified Quality Aquaculture Programme is owned and managed by Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM).

BIM and its members have made a commitment that all activities of the CQA Programme:

Programme Integrity Resources

Do you have any comments, appeals and complaints, that may improve the CQA Standards?

The CQA Programme accepts stakeholder submissions with respect to Objectives, Operations, Standards on an open basis throughout the year. All submissions will be considered by the CQA Technical Advisory Committee in the ongoing development of the CQA Programme and Standards.

Email your submission to the CQA Programme Lead at cqa@bim.ie

If you wish to appeal a decision or make a complaint, please read the QP 7 Appeals and Complaints procedure for the BIM Certified Quality Aquaculture (CQA) programme, before contacting us at cqa@bim.ie .

For information on our development plans for the CQA Standards and the Process of Revision to the CQA Standards see:

The CQA programme is funded through the Knowledge Gateway Scheme which is established under Union Priority 2 of Ireland’s Operational Programme under the EMFF and is co-funded by the Irish Government and the EU.

For more information

Aquaculture Finfish Quality & Food Safety Specialist

Vera Flynn