Meet Ronan Doran - Chief Engineer “RV Corystes”

Ronan commenced the class 3 fishing engineering course at Greencastle in September 1992 and sat the Class Three Certificate of Competency Oral exam with the MSO in February 1995. That May, he started his career with Atlantic Dawn group on their fishing vessel “MFV Veronica”. Ronan continued his career on fishing vessels until 2006, at which time he had graduated to Class 1 Fishing Engineer.

After spending four trips on a standby emergency vessel in the North Sea, he then converted from the fishing industry to the merchant navy. Ronan is currently Chief Engineer on the “RV Corystes”. The Corystes is an ocean-going, research vessel operating around Northern Ireland, similar to Irelands ‘RV Tom Crean’, and is also equipped with specialist fishing gear and acoustic techniques for surveys of fish stocks.

Click here to learn more about BIM’s Fishing Vessel Engineer Course