First-Aid Responder


Programme Overview Programme Overview

On completion of this course, participants will be able to:

Programme Information

Next Programme Dates

To be scheduled.


Who is this Programme for

Personnel who wish to become certified first-aiders in their workplace



National Fisheries College of Ireland (NFCI), Castletownbere, Co. Cork



3 days


Training Methodology

Classroom-based learning demonstrations

Practical training sessions



The CPL Institute on behalf of the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC)


Entry Requirements

There is no specific entry criterion including a minimum age for undertaking the course.



First-Aid Response is a specific course which is a pre-requisite to the diving programmes at BIM



An assessment takes place at the end of the third day. There is a practical and theoretical element to the assessment. Participants complete a multiple-choice examination paper and undertake two skills assessments.

In order to be successful, participants must achieve a mark of 80% or greater in each element of the assessment.




Grant Aid

This course is eligible for grant aid.

Click here for details of the Seafood Training Scheme.

Click here to complete a Training Registration Form which can be used to register your interest both in the course and in the grant.

For more Information contact

National Fisheries College of Ireland (Cork)

Castletownbere, Co Cork