NAME OF PROJECT The transfer of commercially relevant research to the Irish seafood sector via BIM
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD 1st January -31st December 2019

Project Scope

As part of the BIM corporate strategy BIM is to develop a Centre of Excellence for the Seafood Industry. As part of this process there is a requirement to establish the current state of commercial research in Irish Third Level Research Institutes and to see how this can be transferred by BIM to the industry. BIM has gone to tender and commissioned a company with experience in knowledge transfer to work with the current partners of the Irish Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (IATiP) and any other researchers to establish a programme and methodology for this commercial research to be transferred as a first step. IATiP was established and held its inaugural meeting in March 2018, IATiP is a mirror innovation platform (MIP) affiliated to the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATiP).  The IATiP has 23 members comprising representatives of the main aquaculture sectors in Ireland, the relevant State Agencies, technology providers and the Research Agencies. EATIP MIPs are industry driven multi stakeholder aquaculture clusters, supporting the implementation of strategic research and innovation activities at regional/national level. 

The aims are to develop the Centre of Excellence for seafood in BIM by accessing relevant research and developing a methodology to transfer it to the relevant stake holders via BIM. At the same time, to develop a logo and website for the IATiP, to position the IATiP as a strategically focussed working group in the Irish Aquaculture community representing all stakeholders and promoting Irish aquaculture at European level and to combine IATiP activity with the other thirteen European MIPs.



Maximum approved expenditure on the project totaled €162,500 corresponding to the following headings:

Achievements / Spend


Summary of Spend

Total Approved
Total Eligible Expenditure €162,500
Total Drawdown €162,500
EU – 100% €162,500
Exchequer – 0%


Report:  Lucy Watson

Date:  20 May 2020