Optimisation of Farmed Shellfish growth

NAME OF PROJECT Optimisation of farmed shellfish Growth

Project Scope Project Scope

In order to facilitate the licensing process, further scientific data and assessments will be undertaken in various bays as required by DAFM.

Current meters and environmental monitoring devices will be deployed in various bays to build up a data set of information that can be used in determining carrying capacity. Drone surveys will also be undertaken to map out aquaculture structures and shellfish beds.

This project is in conjunction with an existing project regarding the density of bottom mussel seed beds reported on annually around the Irish coast and made available to the industry and DAFM. Problems with the amount of seed mussel return each year is a reoccurring problem in the bottom mussel industry. In particular mussel seed mortality can reach up to 90 % three weeks after relay. These erratic recruitment patterns impact negatively on Industry’s economic financial yields.


Survey work to be undertaken in Castlemaine to assess the historical low returns on the relayed seed mussel. These surveys will investigate bottom seed biomass, mussel survivability, historical annual production, current flow in the bay, chlorophyll depletion studies, predator impacts and dispersal etc. This will allow BIM to provide science-based advice to help aid bottom mussel Industry returns.

Budget Budget

Maximum approved expenditure on the project total €5,000. BIM’s internal procurement procedures are adhered to at all times.


Achievements / Spend


Summary of Spend

This project has achieved many of its objectives and due to biological cycles this project is still ongoing into the 2020 year and it will be fully reported on when experimental set-ups are decommissioned in the latter half of the 2020 year. 


Total Approved
Total Eligible Expenditure €5,000
Total Drawdown €4,193.20
EU – 50% €2,096.50
Exchequer – 50% €2,096.50


Report: Gary McCoy

Date May 2020