Dingle Ice Plant Closure
As the public sector employment embargo has recently resulted in the Dingle ice plant operators losing their positions, BIM regrettably closed the Dingle ice plant on Friday 2 September 2011.
As the public sector employment embargo has recently resulted in the Dingle ice plant operators losing their positions, BIM regrettably closed the Dingle ice plant on Friday 2 September 2011.
As the public sector employment embargo has recently resulted in the Dingle ice plant operators losing their positions, BIM regrettably closed the Dingle ice plant on Friday 2 September 2011.
There have been private sector enquiries in relation to purchasing the Dingle plant and BIM has decided that the interests of the local seafood industry are best served by offering the plant and machinery for sale by public tender.
BIM is presently working with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, as well as the Chief State Solicitors Office to finalise the leasehold arrangements. As soon as a lease is available, a tender will be hosted on the Government eTender website.
We are extremely conscious of the difficulties that this situation will have on some fishermen and our main objective at this point in time is to ensure that this is short-lived. Following a BIM Board meeting in Dingle on Monday 5th September, the Board and Chief Executive of BIM met with local industry representatives and it was agreed that an alternative interim solution would be explored as a priority by BIM’s legal advisors.