15 Seafood Establishments Win Awards in Excellence
Ireland’s wealth of top class seafood restaurants and retail outlets received a ringing endorsement from Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), the Seafood Development Agency, today (18th January 2012) as the BIM Seafood Circle 2012 Award winners and coveted membership places were announced. 219 Seafood Circle members for 2012 were listed in addition to Kish Fish of Smithfield, Dublin winning the Seafood Specialist of the Year Award, Scally’s SuperValu, Clonakilty winning Supermarket Seafood Counter of the Year and QC’s in Cahirciveen achieving Seafood Restaurant of the Year 2012.
The Seafood Circle was developed by BIM to support and champion retail and hospitality outlets that continually offer excellent quality seafood and service to their customers. The Seafood Circle plaque is presented to members on an annual basis and BIM encourage customers to seek outlets with this badge of honour in order to be assured of the best seafood available.
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine , Mr. Simon Coveney, T.D. congratulated all the members and award winners; ‘I would like to personally congratulate the 219 members and 15 award winners of the BIM Seafood Circle this year. It is testament to the dedication of each and every one of these businesses that despite the difficult economic climate, they are consistently improving what they do and achieving the exceptionally high standards set out under this initiative. This scheme is also of great benefit to consumers who can rest assured that the seafood they buy or eat in an approved restaurant is of a high standard. I would encourage people to look out for the BIM Seafood Circle branding to support these local businesses.’
The stringent criteria that need to be met in order to gain membership extend well beyond providing the customer with excellent seafood. Outlets also have to demonstrate to independent assessors that they have superior knowledge of their product offering, have excellent customer service skills and comply with the strictest storage, handling and presentation requirements.
Donal Buckley, BIM’s Business Development and Innovation Manager explains how membership of the BIM Seafood Circle is in great demand; ‘We received a phenomenal amount of entries this year and this clearly demonstrates that Irish seafood businesses see the value of the BIM Seafood Circle scheme. However, only the establishments that excel, achieve membership and we are looking forward to working with our existing and new members to continue to raise the bar so Irish consumers can buy and eat the best quality Irish seafood available.’
For a full list of the BIM Seafood Circle 2012 members and award winners visit the BIM Seafood Circle website
Scally’s Supervalu, Clonakilty, Co. Cork – ‘Supermarket Seafood Counter of the Year,2012’
Pictured receiving their award from BIM’s Business Development and Innovation Manager, Donal Buckley (pictured left) are Seafood Experts Milos Korivnek and Anatolij Butylkin with Eugene Scally.
Kish Fish, Smithfield, Dublin a well established Dublin fishmonger based in Smithfield, has received the ‘Seafood Specialist of the Year, 2012’
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Mr. Simon Coveney, T.D. presents Fedelmia O’Meara and Carlos Saralegue with their award.
QC’s Restaurant, Cahirciveen, Co. Kerry – BIM Seafood Circle ‘Seafood Restaurant of the Year, 2012’
Pictured receiving their award from BIM’s Business Development and Innovation Manager, Donal Buckley are proprietors, Kate and Andrew Cooke and chef Eddie Gannon.