BIM to sponsor first ever Maritime Industry Awards

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Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), the Seafood Development Agency, is proud to sponsor the first ever Maritime Industry Awards taking place on the 18th June in the Ballsbridge Hotel, Dublin.

The awards are designed to recognise and celebrate the most original and innovative individuals and companies that demonstrate excellence in the Irish Maritime & marine sector. There are a wide range of categories to reflect the diverse nature of the sector from manufacturing, port operations, aquaculture, education and sustainability. BIM are sponsoring two award categories this year – the ‘Aquaculture Excellence Award’ and ‘Fishing Operator of the Year’

BIM are specifically recommending that given the innovative practices developed by the aquaculture and fishing sectors in recent years, companies and representatives should enter and get national recognition for the high standards they are achieving.

As Island Seafoods will testify following their recent wins at the Green Awards, these accolades can give you the recognition and profile you deserve for exceling in your business.

So don’t forget to enter by the deadline of May 1st! To access an entry form please visit the Maritime Industry Awards website If you need any assistance on entering, please call Laura Kelly, Entries Manager on 01 4070595 or e-mail  

By getting on board and entering this award you will contribute in highlighting the importance of marine and maritime activity in Ireland. Good luck and see you at the Awards!