BIM Donate Funds from New Lobster Gauge Sales to Charity

Noel and Ian at the BIM stand

Noel and Ian at the BIM stand

BIM raised funds for the charity ‘LAST’ (Lost at Sea Tragedies) through the sale of the new lobster gauge at the recent Skipper Expo in Galway. The gauge incorporates the current Minimum landing size of 87mm with the new Maximum landing size of 127mm. The new gauges have been brought in following new conservation measures introduced by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine in December in January. Under the new protection measure for lobster, a maximum landing size of 127mm was introduced to support the reproductive potential of the stock.

BIM are delighted to announce a total of €800 was raised for this very worthy charity which aims to support and offer guidance to the families of those lost to fishing tragedies.

Pictured at the Skipper Expo with BIM’s Fisheries Development Manager Ian Lawler is the Founder of LAST and Chair of the South-East Fisheries Local Action Group, Noel McDonagh.