Sustainable Aquaculture Scheme

Under the current call, applications are invited for projects with any of the following objectives:

Who is Eligible Who is Eligible

This scheme will support aquaculture operators who hold, and are in full compliance with the terms and conditions of, the required statutory consent to engage in aquaculture.

However, applications in respect of sites located in marine Special Areas of Conservation, designated in accordance with the European Union Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC)(as amended), and/or Special Protection Areas, designated in accordance with EU Birds Directive (2009/147/EC), that are awaiting a determination of an aquaculture licence application/renewal made under Section 10 of Fisheries Amendment Act 1997, will not be eligible under this scheme.

Amounts Granted Amounts Granted

The support rate under this scheme is 50%.

What is Eligible

How to Apply How to Apply


Electronic Application

Apply online on Grant Electronics Management System

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