STCW Medical Care Aboard Ship


Programme Overview Programme Overview

This five-day training programme is designed to equip the learner with the knowledge and skills to provide treatment and medical care to sick or injured seafarers while they remain on board.
The learner will gain the competencies to diagnose medical problems and to participate in co-ordinated schemes for medical assistance to ships.

Topics covered include:

• Care of Casualties
• Diseases
• Alcohol and drug abuse
• Psychiatry
• Dental care
• Gynaecology and pregnancy
• Medical care of rescued persons, including distress, hypothermia, cold exposure
• Death at Sea
• Environmental control on board ship
• Disease prevention
• Keeping of records
• Medicines and medical equipment
• Surgical equipment, instruments, supplies

Programme Information Programme Information

Who is the Programme for

The programme is open to seafarers who have successfully completed the STCW Medical First Aid course and who now wish to gain additional knowledge and skills in provision of medical care aboard ships.


Next Programme Dates

NFCI Castletownbere


NFCI Greencastle



National Fisheries College of Ireland (NFCI)


Duration and Timetable

5 days (full time)


Training Methodology

This is a highly interactive classroom-based course with a combination of:



On successful completion of this programme and demonstration of competence, the learner will receive a STCW* Medical Care Aboard Ship Certificate issued by BIM on behalf of the Department of Transport certifying that the holder has met the standard of competence specified in Table A-VI/4-2 of STCW 78 as amended.

*Standard of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping Training Programme 


Entry Requirements





Progress will be checked during the course through a combination of formative written/practical assessments to reinforce understanding and learning.

The final assessment consists of:




Grant Aid

This course is eligible for grant aid.

Click here for details of the Seafood Training Scheme.

Click here to complete a Training Registration Form which can be used to register your interest both in the course and in the grant.

For more information contact

National Fisheries College of Ireland (Cork)

Castletownbere, Co Cork

National Fisheries College of Ireland (Donegal)

Greencastle, Co Donegal