Food Safety

Food Safety Food Safety

All Seafood Business Operators wishing to place product on the market must ensure they implement an Integrated Food Safety Management System (FSMS)  based on the principles of HACCP.  BIM’S Food Safety Management System Manual has been devised to assist seafood product establishments to implement a Food Safety Management System incorporating HACCP that meets the requirements of the Competent Authority in order to achieve or maintain compliance with food safety legislation.

Prior to any seafood product being permitted to be placed on the market, it must be produced in a safe manner, adhering to all Food Safety Legislative Requirements, via a premise issued with an Approval Number, which in-turn has been issued by the Competent Authority (Sea Fisheries Protection Authority).  

An Integrated FSMS provides the Food Business Operator (FBO) with the skills to identify and control any potential hazards that could pose a danger to the preparation of safe food. With the assistance of the BIM’S Food Safety Management System Manual, FBO’s can identify what can go wrong, plan to prevent it from going wrong and reduce potential risk to an acceptable level, thus ensuing public health & brand reputation.

As Ireland’s Seafood Development Agency, seafood businesses seeking approval or existing operations seeking food safety assistance or 3rd party certification, can avail of BIM’s Food Safety Management System Advisory Services and the associated legally required training offered by the BIM Food Safety team.

How to avail of this service How to avail of this service

Get in touch to identify your needs

Contact us at for more information.

BIM Food Safety Team

The Food Safety Team

Aquaculture Finfish Quality & Food Safety Specialist

Vera Flynn

Aquaculture Shellfish Quality & Food Safety Specialist

Vicky Lyons

Resources Resources

The Food Safety programme is part funded through the Knowledge Gateway Scheme which is established under Union Priority 2 of Ireland’s Operational Programme under the EMFF and is co-funded by the Irish Government and the EU.