Engage to build transformative relationships

Strengthen and expand external engagement

Our ambition for the next five years requires another step-change in how we communicate with the sector and our stakeholders. This starts with the Irish seafood sector; we need to engage with them at new levels and in new ways if we are to find workable, sustainable solutions. Also, we cannot achieve our strategic goals in isolation: we need to build a new, expanded network of enablers and supporters. Finally, we need to reinforce our strategy by seeking renewed support from allies such as our parent Departments and other agencies, both here and in the EU.

The first step towards this goal will be to create a comprehensive, structured, and detailed engagement approach. This will define the purpose, objectives, and measures for each activity, tailored to our distinct audiences. We will have this completed and in use before the half-way point of our five-year plan.

Value and enable internal communication

We will engage and listen to our own internal audience to encourage transparent, open, and focused debate. We need our people to feel empowered and confident about bringing new ideas or changing legacy practices. We want to learn from our own people what they believe is necessary to reach our goals. In response, BIM will be open to new ways of working, and to flexible application and expansion of existing or new skills.

To reach our five-year goals, our team needs absolute clarity, total trust, and a genuine belief that their contributions make a difference. This will cover all we do: from how we meet our own sustainability goals, to how we manage the process of essential change in our own organisation.

Communicate clearly and accessibly

We will communicate in plain English, explaining the purpose and intent of all messaging. Our service communication will be easy to find, easy to access, and easy to comprehend. But clarity without influence is not enough – we must also ensure our communication is engaging. So, when we communicate, we will not only explain; we will also persuade.