Freedom of Information Logs


FoI Request Log

FOI request date Brief description of request Decision Date of reply
14/02/20 Minutes of Board Meetings Granted 10/03/2020
07/04/20 Expense claims Board 2018 & 2019 Granted 06/05/2020
17/04/20 List of people who travelled to Dubai on Horizon or Management development programme to Dubai Granted 18/05/2020
09/03/20 Details of grants, loans, employment grants etc to Kush Farms John Harrington and Flor Harrington Denied (all information in public domain) 01/05/2020
04/06/20 Purchase of Business or First-class tickets 17,18,19 & 20.  Criteria for purchase and amount spent in VIP in Airports. Granted 09/06/2020
17/06/20 All submissions made by BIM to ABP regarding Marina or site.  All docs, assessments, evaluations and correspondence Re Mixed use development at Trinity Wharf Granted 01/07/2020
03/09/20 Details of salary grades for staff in Health & Safety Granted 11/09/2020
21/09/20 Minutes of BIM Audit & Risk Committee, BIM Board Jan 2018 to 21st Sept 2020.  Records of consultancy fees paid by BIM in 2018.  List of suppliers for transactions.  T&S payments €749k in 2018. Part Grant 17/11/2020
12/11/20 Records of complaints made to BIM since 1st January 2020 to 12th November 2020. Granted 08/12/2020