Launch of BIM Economic Impact of the Irish seafood sector study

BIM is carrying out an assessment of the impact of the seafood industry in Ireland’s top ten fishing ports. This study aims to measure the depth of the industry in each port to accurately assess its contribution and importance.

Fishing, aquaculture and fish processing have downstream impacts for coastal communities in Ireland. In addition to the direct employment each sector provides, the supply chains for each generate revenue and employment indirectly also. This study aims to estimate the scale of the indirect employment in the top ten ports and their hinterlands.

An independent team of researchers will be contacting seafood producers in each port inviting them to take part in a short 10-minute telephone survey asking for details on their supply chain spending. BIM is requesting industry support with these surveys. The data collected is confidential and aggregated to accurately assess the importance of the Irish seafood industry and information collected will be used to inform future policy and will also be used for future impact assessments of the Irish seafood industry. This survey is different to the Data Collection Framework (DCF) annual survey and is required to understand the economy-wide effects of the Irish seafood industry.

For more information you can contact the survey team by telephone +353 1 6869 317 or by email

BIM would like to thank you for your participation in this project.