Electronic Chart Display & Information Systems


Duration 5 Days (full time – 40 hours) Certification STCW Certificate This course is eligible for grant aid.
Location National Fisheries College of Ireland (NFCI)
Co. Cork


National Fisheries College of Ireland (NFCI)
Co. Donegal

Fees €1,100


Programme Overview Programme Overview

The aim of this course is to provide candidates with the resources and ability required to keep a safe navigational watch using electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS) to meet Regulation I/14, paragraph 1.5 of the STCW Convention, as well as sections 6.3 and 6.5 of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code.

A generic 5 Day ECDIS operation course based on IMO Model course 1.27 that combines theoretical learning with hands on operation of ECDIS equipment and systems.


About this course

Programme Information

Who is the Programme for

Candidates as part of the NAEST O course, going on to sit a second-hand Certificate of Competency.

Holders of certificates of competency looking to meet requirements of the Department of Transport (MSO) to work onboard vessels equipped with ECDIS as primary means of navigation.

Next Programme Dates

Location 2025
NFCI Castletownbere, Co. Cork
  • To be scheduled
NFCI Greencastle, Co. Donegal
  • To be scheduled


National Fisheries College of Ireland (NFCI)
Co. Cork
P75 EW24


National Fisheries College of Ireland (NFCI)
Co. Donegal
F93 PX32

Duration and Timetable

1 Week/5 days (40 hours)

Training Methodology

Instruction consists of formal delivery of the underpinning theoretical principles of each topic followed by increasingly more complex practice and practical application on both desktop bridge simulators and full mission bridge simulators.


On successful of the course the student is awarded a Standards of Training and Certification of Watchkeepers (STCW) ECDIS Certificate in accordance with Regulation II/1 of the STCW Convention1978, as amended on behalf of the Department of Transport.

Entry Requirements

The candidate should have accomplished approved formal instruction in Navigation, or hold a OOW Certificate of Competency, or satisfies the criteria for NAEST O.

Progression and Employment Opportunities

An ECDIS Generic certificate is transferable between fishing & merchant industries. Candidates are required to complete course as part of NAEST O.


Continual assessment and final written & practical examination.



This course is eligible for grant aid.

Grant Aid

This course is eligible for grant aid.

Click here for details of the Seafood Training Scheme.

Click here to complete a Training Registration Form which can be used to register your interest both in the course and in the grant.

For more information contact

National Fisheries College of Ireland (Cork)

Castletownbere, Co Cork

National Fisheries College of Ireland (Donegal)

Greencastle, Co Donegal